AUS NT Palmerston 2004MAY15 001  Me old mate Jack "Croz" Crosby on the jungle juice. The sign's rather appropriate as well. : 2004, 2004 - The "Get Fluxed" Australian Tour, Australia, Date, May, Month, NT, Palmerston, Places, Trips, Year  AUS NT Palmerston 2004MAY15 002  Tony "Dools" Doolan and Joey "Jo Jo" Cox were at the pub this Saturday punting on the ponies with us. : 2004, 2004 - The "Get Fluxed" Australian Tour, Australia, Date, May, Month, NT, Palmerston, Places, Trips, Year  AUS NT Palmerston 2004MAY15 003  My two partners in crime for the 3 week Aussie visit were Fluxy and his beautiful bride Sonia. : 2004, 2004 - The "Get Fluxed" Australian Tour, Australia, Date, May, Month, NT, Palmerston, Places, Trips, Year